Friday, June 12, 2009

Hating to Lose

When you lose, you get that sick feeling in your stomach. Then it turns to anger and the anger gets you to work harder and gets you to show some real pride. Darn it all, there’s nothing in this world as bad as losing. -Joe Paterno

Joe Paterno says it best right here in this quote. If you know me at all then you know that I am a very competitive person. I absolutely hate to lose. It doesn't matter if it's baseball or checkers, I just can't stand to lose. There is no doubt that I love to win. I mean I really love to win, but my hatred for losing is so much greater. In my opinion that is how that you have to be if you want to be the most successful. It feels great to win, but wins just last for that day and then you have to get back to work getting ready for the next game. Losing, on the other hand, that sticks with you. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth and is something that will eat at you until the next game and sometimes maybe longer. You constantly wonder what or how you could have done things differently to get a better result. If you don't have a hatred for losing then your not going to be willing to fix your mistakes. So yes, it is wonderful to love to win, but when it comes down to it, if we really want to be successful, we must hate the taste of losing so much worse.

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