Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chapter 5: Anticipation

  1. All situations aren't equal. Treat every person, every opportunity, and every deal as a separate and distance entity. A cookie-cutter approach is simply ineffective.

  2. When you feel some sort of pending danger, don't be afraid to send a message if you think it's appropriate.

  3. It's possible to win every game, but it just isn't very realistic to think you'll go undefeated.

  4. Even if you're zero for ten in the morning, the law of averages can make your afternoon great.

  5. The best way to move forward is with a positive frame of mind.

  6. Define your own success. Plan for the end at the beginning. But remember, you can't play tomorrow's game until it gets here.

  7. Even though you execute in the short term, you can, with out a great deal of effort, prepare for the future.

  8. A desire to work every day, coupled with a willingness to do whatever is needed, can open up doors that you would, otherwise, never expect to walk through.

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