Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chapter 3: Love What You Do

  1. The secret to happiness is not in the money you make. It's in the quality of work and how it makes you feel.

  2. It's easy to go to work day after day, month after month, year after year, when you really love what you do.

  3. Always remember, you can learn something from everyone.

  4. Learning starts with awareness. Then, when you're aware of something, you get curious. You want to dig deeper. You want answers. And when you're seeking answers to your questions, you're learning. Awareness-Curiosity-Learning.

  5. The one thing that can knock you out of the lineup quicker than an injury is change.

  6. If you never stop learning, you can usually handle what comes along and adapt to the change.

  7. Adversity draws people closer together. You become closer friends, better teammates, and help support each other in little ways that might not have happened otherwise.

  8. In the midst of adversity, to carry you through, you can always fall back on something you love.

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