Friday, June 12, 2009

Chapter 4: Preparation

  1. The ability to perform consistently with excellence is a result of both physical and mental preparation.

  2. Interact with people from whom you might be bale to glean an advantage. Gain access to key, up-to-date, and reliable information.

  3. Proper preparation helps to create a better game plan. It increases your chance of success and decreases the risk that somehting will go wrong.

  4. If it's always somebody else's fault, you end up never solving your problems. But if you focus on your own performance, rather than blaming outside forces or other people for your failures, you have a chance to get better.

  5. If you take care of all the little things, you never have on big thing to worry about.

  6. The more ways you find to contribute to the team, the more valuable you will be to the manager.

  7. Keep your destiny in your own hands as much as possible.

  8. Before every game, ask yourself, "What can I do to help is win this particular day?"

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