Friday, June 19, 2009

Chapter 6: Trusting Relationships

  1. It doesn't matter how many of your techniques you share with the other guy. Hr still has to apply them.

  2. When you display kindness and decency to your teammates, it will be returned.

  3. Good-natured fun is important in building relationships and strong bonds.

  4. If you speak to your teammates regularly, misunderstandings will be cut to a minimum, and that promotes stability on the team.

  5. There's a wealth of information you can glean from members of the competition. In order to gain access to it, however, you have to build relationships.

  6. Don't sit back and wonder what your future is going to be. Open dialogue. Help the manager manage you.

  7. Money isn't everything. Living where you want to live, being part of a great organization, and maintaining long term friendships are the most important elements of personal happiness.

  8. Find a way to take the high road and play the hand you're dealt.

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