Monday, June 8, 2009

Chapter 2: A Strong Will To Succeed

  1. Turn a negative into a positive.

  2. Channel your aggressiveness in a more productive direction.

  3. Be willing to swing at a bad pitch. To succeed, you can't be afraid to fail.

  4. You can only prepare so much. At some point, you have to test your plans.

  5. Cheating your blind grandma at cards isn't fulfilling.

  6. Healthy competition within an organization is good. It can be motivating, synergistic, exciting, and fun. It can also lead to great success.

  7. When you give you word, you're committed. True commitment involves your organization, your teammates, your job, and your profession.

  8. When your teammates are counting on you to be in the game, never, ever, let them down.

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