Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bryce Harper Update

I wanted to keep you updated on the post a made a week or so ago on Bryce Harper, the 16-year-old baseball phenom. Found a recent article about him in the Las Vegas Review Journal and looks as if he will be enrolling into a Junior College this fall so that we will be eligible for the draft next year. Here is the article:

Harper ready to give college try

16-year-old Las Vegas High baseball prodigy registers at CSN, plans to attain GED to speed draft eligibility

Bryce Harper, the baseball phenom from Las Vegas High School, has no future in high school. An extraordinary player is ready to make an unusual move.

Harper, a 16-year-old who just completed his sophomore year, has registered at the College of Southern Nevada, where he plans to attend classes in August and play for the Coyotes next season.

His father, Ron Harper, announced the decision Saturday while in Oklahoma City for a baseball tournament.

"Bryce is always looking for his next challenge," Ron Harper said. "He's going to pursue his education, too. He's going to get pushed academically and athletically.

"I don't see a problem with it. I think we've handled it the right way. I think it will be a great story."

Bryce Harper gained national acclaim by appearing on the June 8 cover of Sports Illustrated as "Baseball's Chosen One." The story hinted at his plans to enroll in junior college to prepare for his professional career.

Harper, a 6-foot-3-inch catcher, hit .626 with 14 home runs and 55 RBIs for the Wildcats this season. He also had 36 stolen bases.

With his combination of power and speed, Harper is projected to be the top pick in the major league draft when he's eligible. That should be next June.

Ron Harper said his son, who turns 17 on Oct. 16, will be draft eligible "in 2010 or 2011. ... There are a lot of rules that people don't know about."

Bryce Harper and his mother, Sheri, recently went to CSN and signed enrollment forms and his letter of intent to play baseball. Harper is aiming to earn his GED test credentials in the fall.

Read the rest of the article at:

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