Friday, December 4, 2009

Solving a Procrastination Problem

From Coach Brown's Blog. Especially being a college student procrastination is something I deal with on a day to day basis. Here are a few pointers on figure out how to overcome it.

What is procrastination and why do we do it?
Procrastination is self-doubt
Procrastination is self-punishment
Procrastination is escapism, self-made
Most of all, procrastination is a habit.
Putting things off can be incredibly seductive.
Procrastination is one common result of conflicting needs.

Temporary advantages of procrastination:
Satisfies the need to escape (like any addiction)
Maintains the status quo—avoid new responsibilities
Reduces time on unpleasant projects
Lets us retain a sense of control

How do we stop? 1.) Take Care of Yourself
Self-critical people suffer a basic syndrome: poor concentration, erratic work performance, procrastination.
Can’t complete a difficult project if you’re physically and mentally exhausted.
Keep fit; improve lifestyle.

2.) Develop a Different State of Mind
Learn to accept change and risk
Believe you can and will change

3.) Break a Bad Habit With a Good Habit
Change requires action
You’ve got to act different to be different
Insight and understanding change nothing
Put out rather than put off.

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