Friday, August 21, 2009

Success and Failure: Both used as tools for teaching

Saw another post on Coach Starkey's blog that I really enjoyed. It is from Chris Widener at It is about both Failure and Success. I have also added some quotes at the end of this post.

Most people think that failure is bad and success is good. I want to help you change your thinking about that if you fall into that category. I will give you that failure isn’t fun and success is, but I think the following is true:

Both failure and success are good... if you know what their specific purposes are.Of course we know that success is good, but why? Success is good because it confirms things for us.

Success confirms our plans.
Success confirms our decisions.
Success confirms our resources.
Success confirms our strategies.
Success confirms our hunches.
Success confirms our teamwork.
Success confirms our risks.
Success confirms a lot of things!

So when you are successful, ask yourself the following question: What does this success confirm in my mind?

Now, what about failure? What is the role of failure and how in the world can it be GOOD?

Failure’s role is to teach us. We learn from failure.
Failure teaches us that we need to change our plans.
Failure teaches us that we need to change our decisions.
Failure teaches us that we need to change our resources.
Failure teaches us that we need to change our strategies.
Failure teaches us that we need to change our hunches.
Failure teaches us that we need to change our teamwork.
Failure teaches us that we need to change our risks.
Failure teaches us that we need to change a lot of things!

But at least now we know one more thing that won’t work! With every failure, we learn one more way we can abandon and focus in on what may be the correct way in the future! When we look at it that way, we set ourselves up for a powerfully successful future! So when you fail, ask yourself this question: What does this failure teach me? Remember, Success and Failure are both good. They can both be your friend... if you know what role they are to play in your life.

Learn From Failure and Confirm with Success.

"The biggest mistake and athlete can make is to be afraid of making one." -L. Ron Hubbard (author)

"The important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part; the important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle." -Baron Pierre de Coubertin (founder of the modern Olympic movement)

"Experience is the name we give our mistakes." -Fred Shero (Philadelphia Flyers and New York Rangers)

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it." -Lou Holtz

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