Sunday, July 12, 2009

Holdsclaw's New Purpose

Great article in The New York Times by Mike Tierney about Chamique Holdsclaw's new outlook on basketball and on life.

ATLANTA — Chamique Holdsclaw was once an A-list sports celebrity, a big shot with a big shot. The high-scoring Holdsclaw passed the first-name-only recognition test.

These days, many missives on her Facebook page are not so much about hoops as about hope. ’Mique’s Tweets, her Twitter posts, sometimes veer from playing ball and toward her personal ball and chain.

Clinical depression kept her out of the W.N.B.A. for nearly two full seasons, and even led to an overdose of antidepressants. In a strange way, it has brought her back to the league.

With her illness in check and her game in tow, Holdsclaw ended her hiatus this year, driven to show others afflicted by depression that it is beatable.

“It’s not about me anymore,” she said. “I’ve always been a player who just played. I have to use my voice a little more now, give back to young people dealing with the problems I’ve had.”

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