Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Turtle on the Fence Post

I had a post not too long ago that referenced Mike Huckabee's book "Do the Right Thing." Well I must say that I have been dragging my feet when it comes to getting this book read. I have been busy with baseball and when I'm not busy I have just chose not to read. But the other night I picked it up again and read a chapter. The chapter was entitled "Let Them Buy Stocks" and Mr. Huckabee talked about how candidates in an election always talk about helping out the working man, but really they mean they want to help out the CEO's, business owners, and those at the "top of the food chain." They forget that at one time those CEO's were most likely simple workers like the rest of us. People who put in the tough hours and often got overlooked. Huckabee talks about how the working man is the one that needs the help, not the CEO's. The point I am getting to is this:

In that chapter Huckabee says, "The CEO is like the turtle on the fence post. No one is sure how he got there, but one thing is for sure- he didn't get there by himself!"

I got to thinking about this and I think we can apply it to ourselves, in sports and in life. No matter how good we do in life we always need to remember where we come from and who helped us out along the way. Because I can all but guarantee that whatever level of success you reach, you didn't get there alone. There were people behind you every step of the way, encouraging you, pushing you, and keeping you focused. So remember those people when you reach your highest level of success. If it wasn't for them you might not have ever made it.

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