Monday, February 23, 2009

A Sense of Urgency

There comes a time in sports and in life when we must have a sense of urgency. Hopefully this comes sooner than later. In baseball, you can't wait till the last inning or two to realize that you have to start scoring runs. You have to score early and often. You must have that sense of urgency all game long. You have to play the game as if the other team is coming after you every inning (because most of the time they are). It is the same in life. You can't wait till your final years to realize that you need to start doing things right. You must start this early in life and do it often. You must play the game of life as if death is coming after you everyday (because believe it or not it is). If we can learn to have that sense of urgency I think their is no doubt that we will be more successful and prepared for what our opponent will throw at us on and off the field.

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