Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dreams vs Visions

I must admit that I did not come up with the idea for this post on my own. I saw a quote on a post on Eric Musselman's blog and I had to use it. Eric Musselman is a former NBA basketball coach and his blog is If you are aren't already looking at his blog everyday you need to start. I make it a point to at least give it a quick look once a day. He always has some great posts that I always find very insightful and intriguing. I wouldn't have even known what a blog was if not for his blog. Of the ones I've read its the best one out there. But anyway, on with the topic.

San Francisco 49ers coach Mike Singletary had a quote recently that went like this:

"When I look around the NFL, I'm amazed by how many people have a dream and how few have a vision. The difference is that a dream ends up being passive, accommodating disappointment. A vision captures the imagination. A vision is something that consumes you like a fire, won't let you eat, won't let you sleep until that vision comes to pass."

I found this quote to be absolutely true. Too many people like to lay in bed at night and dream about how great they can be. Why not instead, make something out of your dreams. Turn them into a vision or a goal and act upon them. Anyone can dream, but it takes a different bread of people to take their dreams and turn them into something more. Something to work for. Something that drives them. It is those people who become the successful ones. They turn their dreams into visions and then make them into goals. Goals that they will stop at nothing to accomplish. A .300 hitter doesn't simply dream about being successful and then leave it at that. No, he goes to the park every day with an agenda. He knows what he needs to work on and he is never satisfied until his goal is reached. The Hall of Famers and the world record holders today are the ones that had a vision...not just a dream. We hear the term "dream big" a lot today in our society. That's a great attitude to have, but if we simply leave it at that we are doing nothing but dreaming. It should be "dream big and then act upon it." So lets turn our dreams in visions and make something out of them. Don't simply be a dreamer, but be a doer as well. There is no question that you will find yourself more successful.

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